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Geomatics Observation

ISSN Print:2707-4803
ISSN Online:2707-4811


Study on Dynamic Intelligent Update Mosaic Considering the Mosaic Line Generation of Ground Features

测绘观察 / 2021,3(3):123-139 / 2021-08-06 look589 look645
  • 作者: 韩冰¹      王霜¹      王战举¹      范玉茹²     
  • 单位:
    2.61206 部队,北京
  • 关键词: 镶嵌线生成;GrabCut;正射影像;更新镶嵌
  • Mosaic line generation; GrabCut; Orthophoto; Update mosaic
  • 摘要: 目的:当前面临高精度遥感影像基础数据量大、且实时更新性较弱问题。本文提出了一种顾及地物要素的镶嵌线智能生成方法,实现基于已有大区域底图的更新镶嵌,该方法满足高精度正射影像实时更新需求。方法:提出的顾及地物要素的镶嵌线生成方法是以 Carsten Rother 等提出的 GrabCut 图像分割优化模型 作为基础,本文提出基于改进的 GrabCut 优化模型生成镶嵌线段,对分块的图像进行分割,通过拓扑检查镶嵌线段智能绕过建筑物等地物,通过生成的四条镶嵌线段合并生成完整的镶嵌线,实现基于已有区域底图的更新镶嵌。结果:针对不同的地物要素的区域采用了不同的镶嵌线智能生成策略,实验表明采取上述方法能够高效率生成镶嵌线,且本文的方法比传统的镶嵌线算法表现出色。结论:本文提出了一种顾及地物要素的镶嵌线智能生成策略,针对已有区域底图情况下,通过预处理以及影像匀色后进行实时的单景影像的更新镶嵌,并且镶嵌线生成时效性高。实验结果表明,将 1 米分辨率的遥感影像数据进行动态智能更新镶嵌时,1 个计算节点的时效性约为 2.1 平方公里 /秒,更新镶嵌成果能够满足高精度正射影像实时动态更新的应用需求。
  • Objective: At present, it is faced with the problem of large amountof high-precision remote sensing image basic data and weak real-time update. In this paper, an intelligent generation method of mosaic line is proposed, which takes into account the features of ground objects, After generating mosaic lines, update mosaic based on existing large area base map is realized. This method can meet the real-time updating requirements of high-precision orthophoto. Method: The proposed method is based on the optimized model of grabcut image segmentation proposed by Carsten rother et al. In this paper, an improved optimization model of grabcut is proposed to generate mosaic line segments, Then the segmented image is segmented, and the embedded line segments are intelligently bypassed by buildings and other features through topology checking. Through the combination of the generated four mosaic line segments, a complete mosaic line is generated. Result: Different strategies are used to generate mosaic lines for different areas of surface features. Experiments show that the above method can generate mosaic lines efficiently, and the performance of this method is better than the traditional mosaic line algorithm. Conclusion In this paper, an intelligent generation strategy of mosaic line is proposed, which takes into account the surface features. In view of the existing regional base map, real-time single scene image is used to update the mosaic line. Mosaic line has high timeliness. The experimental results show that the timeliness is about 7.3 square kilometers per second when the remote sensing image data with 1 meter resolution are dynamically updated and embedded, and the updated mosaic results can meet the application requirements of highprecision orthophoto real-time dynamic update.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/go.0303012
  • 引用: 韩冰,王霜,王战举,等.顾及地物要素镶嵌线生成的动态智能更新镶嵌研究[J].测绘观察, 2021,3(3):123-139.