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Fine Art Version

ISSN Print:2707-2924
ISSN Online:2707-2932


A Memory of Mao Zedong’s Literary Heritage: Beyond Virginia Woolf

美术视界 / 2021,3(2):1-42 / 2021-04-02 look1324 look615
  • 作者: 张艺¹ 孙曲文² 张煜³     
  • 单位:
    2.中国句容汤山 10 号印—英绘画—;
  • 关键词: 毛泽东文学遗产;毛泽东理论遗产;妓女美术;弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫;古希腊美术起缘;古希腊神话思维;俄罗斯摩登美术;约瑟夫·布罗茨基;苏珊·桑塔格影响
  • Mao Zedong’s literary heritage;the legacy of Mao Zedong’s Theory;Prostitute Art;Virginia Woolf;Origin of ancient Greek fine arts;Ancient Greek mythological thinking;Russian modern fine arts;Susan Sontag influences
  • 摘要: 本文以对美国作家苏珊·桑塔格“调转了方向”的缘起和意义为研究的契机,深入分析俄裔世界诗人、诺奖诗人约瑟夫·布罗茨基提出的“美能拯救世界”这一倡议对桑塔格的作家意识和美术写作的巨大影响。俄罗斯美术对桑塔格的影响必须追溯到桑塔格喜爱的中国新月社非常熟悉的英国作家弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫现代主义美学探索背后的俄罗斯艺术底蕴。“布鲁姆斯伯里文化圈”对俄罗斯艺术从亲近到疏远,这一过程对桑塔格的风格美学观念的变化起到了不可磨灭的作用。尤其应该一提的是,伍尔夫通过俄罗斯文论家的介绍对古希腊神话付出寻绎,出色地启迪着桑塔格到诺斯替教雌雄同体神话故事采撷和创造“坎普”美学的思维源泉,对她的独特的唯美主义的艺术创作的风格的诞生奠定了思维方式的基础。一向认同伍尔夫的形式有意味才有意义,桑塔格在探讨绘画问题时,却无比坚定的直言“形象的乐趣”。借鉴 20世纪俄苏文学批评理论史的宝贵资源,结合对毛泽东主席的文学遗产和理论遗产的回顾,本文指出赫拉普钦科所言的作家的个性和艺术形象的思维有间接影响桑塔格的思想出现新写实主义的倾向,毛泽东主席提出的辩证法的精神与自主地探索外国文艺的真理,可以发现桑塔格的人格的基于绘画艺术思维的形象美学的俄罗斯化,是造成她的形象美学的美术上的“失误”。
  • This paper seizes the cause and meaning of American writer Susan Sontag’s art turning point as research opportunity and gives a depth analysis to Russian world poet,Nobel Prize winner Joseph Brodsky’s proposal“Beauty can save the world” and its huge influence to Sontag’s author consciousness and fine writing.Russian fine arts’ influence to Sontag has to be traced back to her beloved English writer Virginia Woolf ’s Russian Artistic details behind her modern aesthetic exploration. The process of close to estranged attitudes of Woolf and her “Bloomsbury Group”’s Russian art complex plays an indelible role in Sontag’s process of changing her Style Aesthetics.What is worth specially mentioning is that,Woolf ’s paying through translating ancient Greek mythology meeting the introduction of Russian literary theorists excellently enlighten Sontag to Gnosticism androgynous myth story to capture the thinking source of creating “Camp”Aesthetics,which lay the foundation of her ideological style for the birth of her unique aesthetic thinking style of co-artistic creation. Although she always agrees with Woolf ’s belief in“form is tasteful only when it is meaningful”,when dis-cussing painting works, Sontag becomes very firm in insisting on“the joy of image”.Drawing on the valuable resources of the theoretical his-tory of Russian and Soviet literary criticism in the 20th century and combing with the review of Chairman Mao Zedong’s literary heritage and Theoretical Heritage,this paper points out that the personality and artistic image thinking of Herapchenko have influenced the tendency of new realism in Sontag’s way of thinking,foucusing on the spirit of dia-lectics put forward by Chairman Mao Zedong and the independent ex-ploration of the truth of foreign literature and art,we are easy to find out Sontag’s writing persona relays on Russification of image aesthetics of painting art gives her image esthetics an error.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/fav.0302006
  • 引用: 张艺,孙曲文,张煜.回忆毛泽东文学遗产:超过弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫——家传再论俄罗斯美术因缘 对桑塔格的影响[J].美术视界,2021,3(2):1-42.