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China News Review

ISSN Print: 2709-2682
ISSN Online: 2709-2690


The Shaping and Emotional Analysis of China’s Image by the Reports of German Mainstream Media under the COVID-19 Epidemic —Take Der Spiegel for Example

中国新闻评论 / 2023,4(1):59-74 / 2023-02-13 look443 look284
  • 作者: 刘雨涵      李守石     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词: 《明镜》;国家形象;疫情;国际传播
  • Der Spiegel; China’s image; Epidemic; International communication
  • 摘要: 以往关于中国国家形象的研究大多集中于英美国家,对于非英语媒体所建构的中国形象则关注较少。在新冠疫情这样一个特殊节点,针对作为欧盟领头羊的德国探讨其主流媒体涉华报道的情感态度及其所折射出的国家形象对中国国际传播具有重要的参考价值。本文主要采用量化与质性相结合的内容分析法与案例分析法,以德国《明镜》周刊2020—2021年的涉华报道为研究对象,从共时和历时两个维度对疫情不同发展阶段的报道展开分析。研究发现,疫情初期《明镜》周刊与此相关的涉华报道量占有绝对优势,且标题都带有“中国病毒”等字眼。基于具体议题的分析,《明镜》对世界第一大经济体美国与我国之间的经济活动发展形势十分关注,在对待香港问题时大多采取不站队的中立态度。从框架结构和用词特点来看,德国也感受到了中国的强大已不容忽视,但同时也暗含着“中国威胁论”的意味,以期唤醒本国民众的危机意识。因而,立足小处,以“小叙事”的形式为核心去讲述充满人性温度的情感体验式故事,会有利于更好地促进并改善我国国家形象的国际传播现状。
  • Most of the research on China’s image has focused on the reports of British and American countries before, and less attention has been paid to the image constructed by non-English media. At such a special juncture as the COVID-19 epidemic, it is of immense reference value for China’s international communication to discuss the emotional attitude of mainstream media’s reports related China and the national image reflected by Germany, which is the leader of the EU. This paper mainly adopts the content-analysis and case-analysis method combining quantitative and qualitative analysis, taking the reports related China of the German Der Spiegel from 2020 to 2021 as the research object from the perspective of synchronic and diachronic. The study finds that in the early stage of the epidemic, Der Spiegel has an absolute advantage in the amount of reports related China, and some titles included words like “Chinese virus”. Based on the analysis of specific issues, Der Spiegel is awfully concerned about the development of economic activities between the world’s largest economy, United States and China. Additionally, it mostly shows a neutral attitude of not standing in line while dealing with the Hong Kong issue. From the perspective of frame structure and word characteristics, Germany also feels that China’s power can no longer be ignored; whereas, it also implies the meaning of China’s threat in a bid to awaken the crisis consciousness of Germans. Therefore, it will be conducive to better promote and improve the current situation of international communication of China’s image if applying emotional experiential stories full of human warmth in the form of “small narratives” based on small points.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/cnr.0401008
  • 引用: 刘雨涵,李守石.新冠疫情下德国主流媒体对中国国家形象的塑造和情感分析——以《明镜》周刊为例[J].中国新闻评论,2023,4(1):59-74.