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China News Review

ISSN Print: 2709-2682
ISSN Online: 2709-2690


A Study of the Media Presentation of Wuhan City Image in the Official Account of People’s Daily during the Covid 19 Epidemic

中国新闻评论 / 2022,3(4):17-29 / 2022-11-15 look400 look364
  • 作者: 张杨     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词: 武汉;城市形象;媒介呈现;《人民日报》官微;疫情
  • Wuhan; City image; Media presentation; People’s Daily account; Covid-19
  • 摘要: 后疫情时代,常态化防控似乎让人们忘记了最初的惊恐,但疫情初期社会上的反应和变化值得探讨总结。武汉作为新冠疫情初始暴发地,其城市形象随着疫情的减弱而得到恢复,在这个过程中,媒介呈现对改善城市形象有着重要的作用。本文通过研究疫情暴发的前期阶段《人民日报》官方微信公众号中与武汉相关的推送,利用内容分析法,结合彼时武汉的实际情况总结武汉城市形象的媒介呈现。研究发现疫情期间《人民日报》官微塑造出了坚守使命,感恩奉献的武汉市民形象;及时纠偏,政务公开的感恩政府形象;美丽灵动,充满烟火气的现代江城及值得鼓励赞扬,安全开放的英雄城市等传播形象。本研究还总结了面对重大公共危机事件时政府处理危机、维护和修复城市形象过程中存在的问题。
  • In the post-epidemic era, the normalized prevention and control seems to make people forget the initial panic, but the reactions and changes in the society at the beginning of the epidemic are worth exploring and summarizing. Wuhan, as the initial outbreak site of the Covid 19 epidemic, has recovered its city image as the epidemic waned, and media presentation has an important role in improving the city’s image during this process. This paper summarizes the media presentation of Wuhan’s city image by studying the Wuhan-related tweets in the official account of People’s Daily between December 31, 2019 and December 31, 2020, using the content analysis method and taking into account the actual context of Wuhan at that time. The study found that the official microblogs of People’s Daily during the epidemic period portrayed the image of Wuhan citizens who were steadfast in their mission and grateful for their dedication; the image of the grateful government who was prompt in correcting deviations and open in government affairs; the image of chivalrous society with deep cultural heritage; the image of the modern river city that was beautiful and dynamic and full of fireworks; and the communication image of the heroic city that deserved encouragement and praise for being safe and open. This study also summarizes the problems that exist in the process of handling crisis, maintaining and repairing the image of Wuhan government in the face of major public crisis events.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/cnr.0304003
  • 引用: 张杨.疫情期间《人民日报》官微中武汉城市形象的媒介呈现研究[J].中国新闻评论,2022,3(4):17-29.