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China News Review

ISSN Print: 2709-2682
ISSN Online: 2709-2690

中国国家形象的传播与人类命运 共同体的现实构型

The Dissemination of China National Image and the Realistic Configuration of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind

中国新闻评论 / 2021,2(3):32-41 / 2021-12-01 look528 look479
  • 作者: 阎伟     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词: 中国国家形象;人类命运共同体;共通价值;构型;宏大叙事
  • China national image; A community with a shared future for mankind; Common value; Configuration; Grand narrative
  • 摘要: 人类命运共同体的形成与不同民族的社会交往密切相关,传播技术与理念的发展在共同体形成的过程中发挥重要作用。本文采取比较研究的方法,通过对西方文明四个阶段传播主义理论的梳理,发现西方文明在确立世界政治格局的过程中,一般秉承着技术先行——经济扩张——观念致胜的基本路数。勾勒西方文化传播主义的历史谱系,有助于我们反思信息传播技 术的实体介入,如何形塑了民族——国家单元的等级序列。中国国家主流媒体向外传播时,既要兼顾“民族的同一性”,又要体现人类的共通价值。“中国国家形象”和“人类命运共同体”实际上是共通观念传播的一体两面。在传播中国国家形象的同时,也在实现人类命运共同体的现实构型。具体而言,在传播方式上,要兼顾宏大叙事与“微传播”;在传播议题上,宜选择双(多)向和开放性的主题;在传播技术上,要综合运用各种先进技术手段。
  • The formation of a community with a shared future for mankind is closely related to social interactions among different ethnic groups, and the development of communication technologies and ideas plays an important role in the process of forming a community. This article adopts the method of comparative research, by analysis of the four stages of Western civilization’s communication theory, and finds that Western civilization generally follows the basic path of technological advancement, economic expansion and conceptual victory in the process of establishing the world’s political structure. Delineating the historical pedigree of Western cultural communicationism helps us to reflect on how the physical intervention of information communication technology has shaped the hierarchical sequence of the nation-state unit. Chinese mainstream media should not only take into account the “national identity”, but also reflect the common values of human beings when they spread to the outside world. “China national image” and “a community with a shared future for mankind” are actually two aspects of the same concept dissemination. When the mainstream media of China disseminates to the outside world, “China national image” and “A community with a shared future for mankind ” are actually two sides of the dissemination of common ideas. While disseminating China’s national image, it is also realizing the realistic configuration of a community with a shared future for mankind. Specifically, in terms of communication methods, both grand narratives and “micro-communication” should be taken into consideration; in terms of communication topics, it is advisable to choose dual (multi)-directional and open themes; in terms of communication technology, a comprehensive use of various advanced technical means should be used .
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/cnr.0203004
  • 引用: 阎伟.中国国家形象的传播与人类命运共同体的现实构型[J].中国新闻评论,2021,2(3):32-41.