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China News Review

ISSN Print: 2709-2682
ISSN Online: 2709-2690

Z 世代品牌好感度的影响因素研究 ——基于使用与满足理论

Study on the Influential Factors of Gen Z’s Brand Favorability

中国新闻评论 / 2021,2(2):130-145 / 2021-06-18 look514 look395
  • 作者: 梁晓莉      张杨     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词: Z 世代;品牌好感度;品牌年轻化
  • Generation Z; Brand favorability; Brand rejuvenation
  • 摘要: 随着时代的发展,95 后年轻群体进入大众的视野,这一代人被称为 Z 世代。与以往任何一代人不同的是,从小物质条件丰厚的他们,伴随着互联网的共同成长,逐渐形成了特有的个性,体现在消费行为上则是追求小众潮流,愿意为兴趣买单,注重产品实用性而不再轻易听从广告宣传,为了社交扩列选择能够彰显个性的品牌,乐于体验消费,不再轻信 KOL(Key opinion Leader 关键意见领袖)的建议反而更相信自己的“专业见解”。此外,Z 世代比以往任何一代人都更加注重品牌的道德责任感和文化内涵。这些不同以往的消费特征出现在中国消费主力群体身上,让品牌无法再忽视这群年轻人,为了迎合这群未来消费主力的口味,他们不得不做出从设计到传播营销等各方面的年轻化转变。为了让品牌更好地实现年轻化转型,本文展开了对于影响 Z 世代品牌好感度因素的案例分析,希望以此研究为品牌转变提出有价值的建议,同时弥补学界相关研究的缺失。
  • With the development of The Times, the young group born after 1995 has come into the public’s view, which is called generation Z. Unlike any previous generation, from rich their material conditions, with the common growth of the Internet, gradually formed a unique individual character, reflect on the consumer behavior is the pursuit of niche trends, are willing to pay for the interest, pay attention to product availability and no longer listen to advertising, easily to social extender column selection can reveal personality of the brand, to the consumer experience, not credulous KOL (Key opinion Leader Key opinion Leader) advice instead more “professional” believe in yourself. In addition, generation Z pays more attention to the moral responsibility and cultural connotation of the brand than any previous generation. These different consumption characteristics appear on the main consumer group in China, which makes the brand can no longer ignore this group of young people. In order to cater to the taste of this group of future major consumers, they have to make a younger transformation from design to communication and marketing. In order to enable brands to better achieve the transformation of youth, the author conducted a research on the factors affecting the brand preference of generation Z, hoping to provide valuable Suggestions for brand transformation and make up for the lack of relevant studies in the academic community.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/cnr.0202010
  • 引用: 梁晓莉,张杨.Z 世代品牌好感度的影响因素研究——基于使用与满足理论[J].中国新闻评论,2021,2(2): 130-145.