In order to incorporate the behaviour of micro-signal traders into the analysis of the elements of theoffence of assisting criminal activities in the information network, the behavioural characteristics of microsignaltraders must be fully taken into account in conjunction with specific cases. In the face of the dilemma of“difficulty in choosing the path to constitute a joint crime with downstream crimes” and “difficulty in determiningthe element of subjective knowledge” when the behaviour of microblog traders is involved in the crime of helpinginformation network criminal activities, the three factors of hierarchical cooperation, legal benefit infringementand exclusionary purpose should be used to assist in determining whether they are deemed to be accomplices;and the second factor should be substantially limited to determine whether they constitute the element of helpinginformation network criminal activities. First, the three factors of layered cooperation, legal benefit infringementand exclusionary purpose should be used to assist in judging whether to recognise them as accomplices; second,the subjective knowledge element of the crime of assisting criminal activities in the information network shouldbe substantially limited to “clear knowledge”. In order to abide by the modesty of the criminal law and adhereto the principle of the law of crimes and penalties, the substantive criminal law viewpoint should be used tocondense the criminal law system of micro-signal traders involved in the crime of aiding information networkcriminal activities, and this should be used as an opportunity to accurately crack down on the Dark Industry Link.