Exploration of the Path of Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Homicide Cases and the Governance of the Source of Lawsuits —An Empirical Analysis based on 263 Murder Cases Handled by the Procuratorate of G City
The occurrence of fatal cases often reflects the loopholes and risks in the process of promoting themodernization of social governance, in which there are a number of universal, common, industry and regionalproblems in law enforcement and justice, administration and social governance. This paper is based on thehandling of 263 homicide cases since 2020 in G City Procuratorate, through data statistics and empirical analysisand research, in-depth summarization of the characteristics of homicide, profound analysis of the reasons for theoccurrence of the case, and targeted to put forward the comprehensive prevention and control of homicides andthe source of the governance of the countermeasures and recommendations, in order to cohesion with the relevantdepartments and the formation of a common understanding of synergy, to promote the formation of a morecomprehensive and rigorous prevention and control of the system of homicides to achieve homicidal handling.In order to achieve a more comprehensive and closer system for the prevention and control of homicides, and torealize the equal importance of “punishment” and “governance” in the handling of homicides, and to prevent andreduce the occurrence of homicides at the source, we have made a concerted effort with relevant departments.