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Criminal Justice Science & Governance

ISSN Print:2708-700X
ISSN Online:2708-7018


Ideas and Principles of Handling Criminal Cases under the Background of Epidemic Prevention and Control

刑事司法科学与治理 / 2020,1(2):67-74 / 2020-12-10 look667 look1148
  • 作者: 汪少鹏     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词: 程序公正 ;罪刑法定; 谦抑; 宽严相济
  • Procedural justice; Legality; Modesty; Temper justice with mercy
  • 摘要: 司法机关在处理涉疫情案件中存在诸多问题,文章通过案例分析,旗帜鲜明地提出贯彻“遵程序、保权利”理念,强调坚持程序公正原则的必要性,并结合两高两部《关于依法惩治妨害新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情防控违法犯罪的意见》,进一步明确了规范制定过程中贯彻“严标准、明界限”理念对坚持罪刑法定原则、防止司法擅断的极端重要性。文章指出,在处理涉疫案件时,司法机关不仅要严把证据关,贯彻“重事实、讲证据”理念,守好证据裁判原则底线,还要把好入刑关,贯彻“慎入罪、体谦抑”理念,纠正动辄入刑的错误倾向,统筹依法与从严的关系,做到宽严相济。对疫情期间出现的违规用权、任性用权等行为,要“彰公平、求正义”,敢于亮剑,践行司法为民。疫情防控之下的法治离不开遵守二字,在充分发挥刑事审判作用前提下,还要培育、贯彻“综治理、显智慧”理念,善于通过发挥刑事司法价值导向功能来实现打击违法犯罪、维护公民合法权益与恢复社会经济发展间的“多纬价值的衡平”。
  • There are many problems novel coronavirus has in dealing with epidemic cases. Through case studies, the article clearly puts forward the concept of "following the procedures and protecting rights", and emphasizes the necessity of adhering to the principle of procedural justice. Combined with two high and high opinions on punishing the prevention and control of crimes against new type coronavirus infection in accordance with the law, the process of standard formulation is further defined. It is extremely important to carry out the concept of "strict standards and clear boundaries" to adhere to the principle of legally prescribed punishment for a crime and prevent judicial arbitrary judgment. The article points out that in dealing with epidemic cases, the judicial organs should not only strictly control the evidence, implement the concept of "attaching importance to facts and stressing evidence", keep the bottom line of evidence judgment principle, but also ensure the entry into criminal procedure, implement the concept of "cautious conviction and modest body restraint", correct the wrong tendency of being punished frequently, coordinate the relationship between law and strictness, and achieve the combination of leniency and strictness. For the illegal use of power and willful use of power during the epidemic period, we should "uphold fairness and justice", dare to show the sword, and practice justice for the people. The rule of law under the prevention and control of epidemic situation is inseparable from observing. Under the premise of giving full play to the role of criminal justice, we should cultivate and implement the concept of "comprehensive management and obvious wisdom", and be good at realizing the "multi latitude value balance" between cracking down on illegal crimes, safeguarding citizens' legitimate rights and interests and restoring social and economic development by giving full play to the role of criminal justice.
  • DOI: http://doi.org/10.35534/cjsg.0102025
  • 引用: 汪少鹏.疫情防控背景下办理刑事案件的理念与原则[J].刑事司法科学与治理,2020,1(2):67-74.