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Advance in Law

ISSN Print:2707-1499
ISSN Online:2707-1502


Analysis of the Dilemma and Optimization Path of Guaranteeing the Voluntariness of Guilty Plea and Punishment for the Pursued Individuals from the Perspective of Law and Economics

Advance in Law / 2024,6(1):65-76 / 2024-03-07 look319 look323
  • 作者: 唐榆茵     
  • 单位:
    上海政法学院, 上海
  • 关键词: 认罪认罚从宽制度;自愿性;法经济学分析;交易费用
  • The system of leniency for pleading guilty and accepting punishments;Voluntariness;Law and economic analysis;Transaction cost
  • 摘要: 认罪认罚从宽制度的设立是对我国刑事诉讼程序的完善和优化,有关数据显示认罪认罚从宽制度的实施取得了较好的成效,在法经济学视角下,认罪认罚从宽制度的存在具有必要性。但就目前的司法实践来看,被追诉人认罪认罚自愿性保障方面存在困境,从控、辩、审三方来看,包括控方层面控辩双方信息不对称、辩方层面值班律师制度流于形式、审方层面自愿性审查不到位三方面,这导致交易的不确定性增加、交易受到有限理性的约束,被追诉人认罪认罚自愿性难以保障。针对上述问题,应当提出有针对性的优化方案:控方层面建立证据开示制度、辩方层面完善值班律师制度、审方加强被追诉人认罪认罚自愿性的审查,这不仅能保障被追诉人做出认罪认罚决定是出于自愿和明智的,也能最大程度降低认罪认罚程序中的交易费用,使认罪认罚从宽制度发挥应有的作用。
  • The establishment of the system of leniency for pleading guilty andaccepting punishments is an improvement and optimization of China’s criminalprocedure, and the relevant data show that the implementation of the systemof leniency for pleading guilty and accepting punishments has achieved betterresults, and that the existence of the system of leniency for pleading guiltyand accepting punishments is a necessity from the perspective of law andeconomics. However, in terms of the current judicial practice, the accused pleadguilty to punishment voluntarily guarantee the existence of dilemmas, fromthe prosecution, defense, trial of the three parties, including the prosecution level of the prosecution and defense information asymmetry, the defense levelof the duty lawyer system in the form of the trial level of the voluntariness ofthe review is not in place, which leads to the uncertainty of the transactionincreases, the transaction by the limited rationality of the constraints, theaccused plead guilty to punishment voluntarily difficult to guarantee. TheGovernment should also make recommendations on how to address the aboveproblems. To address the above problems, targeted optimization programsshould be put forward: the prosecution level to establish the evidence disclosuresystem, the defense level to improve the duty counsel system, the trial side tostrengthen the voluntary review of the accused plea plea, which not only canensure that the accused to make the decision to plea guilty and punishment isout of voluntariness and wisdom, but also minimize the transaction costs ofplea bargaining, so that the system of leniency for pleading guilty and acceptingpunishments to play the role it should have.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/al.0601006
  • 引用: 唐榆茵.法经济学视角下被追诉人认罪认罚自愿性保障困境及优化路径分析[J].法学进展,2024,6(1):65-76.