Algorithm personalized pricing is a new problem derived fromalgorithm technology when platform economy promotes the developmentof Internet e-commerce. The regulation and punishment policy of China’santi-monopoly law in the field of Internet monopoly has changed fromfree development to equal emphasis on development and regulation, whichindicates that China’s anti-monopoly has entered a new stage of innovation and development of platform economy. Based on this, this article intends toanalyze the impact of market competition and overall consumer welfare underalgorithmic personalized pricing by dismantling the operational process ofalgorithmic personalized pricing, and introduce the profit and loss analysisof algorithmic personalized pricing behavior on the protection of rightsand interests under antitrust law. At the same time, it combines the macropolicy positioning goals of antitrust law with the objective development stageof algorithmic personalized pricing, from logical selection, value balance,intervention limits, etc The four aspects of comprehensive governance are toregulate algorithmic personalized pricing from multiple perspectives, improvethe ability of anti-monopoly law to regulate algorithmic personalized pricing,so as to maintain the competitive order of the Internet market more flexibly anddynamically, and promote innovation incentives.