Because the rights of shareholders in Chinese companies are tooconcentrated, it is difficult to change the operating structure of companies andshake the authority of internal controllers by introducing independent directorsystem only. Independent directors lack the relevant incentive mechanism andsupervision mechanism, and their weak power eventually becomes a vassal ofthe controller. In order to change this situation, the supporting independentdirector liability insurance may be a better path: to improve the internal governance of the company through the external governance mechanism,which will not be affected by the power imbalance within the company andmaintain the independence of supervisors; It can also stimulate the companythrough punishment measures and become the catalyst for the effective ofthe independent director system. Game theory simplifies the operation modeof corporate governance into a game process of multiple subjects, which canmore intuitively reflect the role of independent director liability insurancein the operation of independent director system: Insurance companies canform an external supervision on the performance of independent directors;The insurance company can protect the legitimate rights and interests ofindependent directors in litigation; Insurance can share certain risks withrelevant stakeholders.