Chinese-style modernisation is a modernisation in which humanbeings live in harmony with nature. China is the world’s largest carbon emitter,and achieving carbon neutrality has become a priority for China. Carbonsinks have become an important tool for China to reduce greenhouse gasemissions and mitigate climate change, and play a crucial role in achievingcarbon neutrality. However, the development of carbon sinks in China is stillin its infancy and there are many legal issues that need to be addressed. Thispaper reviews court decisions in this area of law and analyses relevant laws andregulations with the aim of examining these legal issues and proposing solutionsfor the future of China’s carbon sink development, including the applicationof the provisions on the misrepresentation of carbon emission quotas as areference in the face of carbon sink counterfeiting, further popularise thesubscription of carbon sinks in forest-related criminal cases nationwidewhile strengthening the access and supervision of the carbon sinks market,establishing a forest insurance system to deal with the insufficient protectionof forest trees, and establish a carbon neutrality promotion law to Improve thelegal system and issue judicial interpretations beforehand.