In recent years, the protection of personal information has becomea hot topic of discussion among academics. The introduction of the PersonalInformation Protection Act has brought the issue of personal informationprotection to the forefront. In a personal information protection system thatcombines personal, administrative and judicial protection as stipulated inthe Personal Information Protection Law, the dual role of the administrativeauthorities can easily breed various violations, and administrative inaction isone of the most common and repeatedly prohibited in practice. In order toprotect the legitimate rights and interests of the administrative counterpart’spersonal information and to create a good image of the government, this paperstarts from defining the administrative inaction in the protection of personalinformation, analyzes its constitutive elements and behavioral manifestations,points out that the reasons for the illegal breeding of administrative inactionin the protection of personal information are multifaceted, and puts forwardspecific suggestions that require joint regulation at the legislative, administrativeand judicial levels.