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Advance in Law

ISSN Print:2707-1499
ISSN Online:2707-1502


Diversified Construction of Proof Standards in Civil Litigation —Take Labor Dispute Litigation as an Example

Advance in Law / 2022,4(1):9-21 / 2022-01-19 look346 look401
  • 作者: 胡遥远     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词: 民事诉讼;证明标准;多元化
  • Civil litigation; Proof standard; Diversification
  • 摘要: 在 2015 年民诉解释出台之前,我国民事诉讼领域的司法实践中,对于证明标准 的适用始终不能达成一个统一的认识。2015 年民诉解释第 108 条和 109 条的立 法意图就是将混乱的证明标准统一起来,而自从解释出台后,学者们对于证明 标准的相关问题也进行了理论与实践的研究,并且普遍认可了第 108 条所确立 的一般民事诉讼证明标准。而第 109 条所确立的几类特殊情形下的民事诉讼证 明规则的提高或降低近年来也引发了不少的争议,但学者们普遍得出了构建我 国民事诉讼证明标准多元化的共识。本文以民诉解释第 109 条为基础,重点论 述特殊情形下的民事诉讼证明标准的构建,并以劳动争议诉讼这一特殊情形为 主要论述对象,提出劳动争议诉讼中的证明标准与一般民事诉讼证明标准应当 有所区别,意图对我国民事诉讼证明标准的多元化建设提出建议。
  • Before the interpretation of civil litigation was introduced in 2015, in the judicial practice of civil procedure in our country, we can not reach a unified understanding of the application of the standard of proof. The legislative intent of Article 108 and Article 109 of the Civil Litigation Interpretation in 2015 was to unify the confusion of the proof standards. Since the interpretation was introduced, scholars have also conducted theoretical and practical research on the issues related to the proof standards, and have generally recognized them. The general civil litigation certification standards established by Article 108. The improvement or reduction of the civil litigation certification rules in several special situations established in Article 109 has also caused a lot of controversy in recent years. However, scholars have generally reached a consensus on constructing a diversified civil litigation certification standard in my country. Based on Article 109 of the Civil Litigation Interpretation, this article focuses on the construction of civil litigation certification standards under special circumstances, and focuses on the special situation of labor dispute litigation, and proposes the certification standards in labor dispute litigation and general civil litigation. The standard of proof should be different, and it is intended to make suggestions on the diversified construction of the standard of proof in civil litigation in our country.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/al.0401002
  • 引用: 胡遥远.民事诉讼证明标准的多元化建设——以劳动争议诉讼为例[J].法学进展,2022,4(1): 9-21. 