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Advance in Agriculture Science

ISSN Print:2707-1472
ISSN Online:2707-1480


Effect of Foliar Spraying Selenium Fertilizer on Selenium Accumulation in Chinese Yam

农业科学进展 / 2020,2(4):121-133 / 2020-09-09 look689 look701
  • 作者: 林锦钰¹²      陈清清²⁴      曹升³      张泽洲²      鲁亚普²      尹雪斌¹²      严华兵³      王张民²*     
  • 单位:
  • 关键词: 硒生物营养强化;叶面喷施;淮山品种;大田试验;硒积累
  • Selenium biofortification; Foliar spraying; Chinese yam varieties; Field test; Accumulation of selenium
  • 摘要: 为了探究广西地区叶面喷施硒肥对淮山硒含量的影响,本研究采用大田试验,研究区域为南宁市武鸣县里建镇和和玉林市玉州区仁厚镇,在两个试 验地均种植桂淮7 号和紫玉淮山,并分别在块茎初期、块茎膨大期和块茎成熟期喷施硒肥,硒肥喷施量分别为0 kg/hm2、10 kg/hm2 和25 kg/hm2。结果表明,南宁试验地在块茎初期和块茎膨大期叶面喷施硒肥均可显著提高淮山硒含量,为对照组的6.5 倍和9.8 倍(p<0.05),且块茎膨大期显著高于块茎初期(p<0.05);喷施10 kg/hm2 和25 kg/hm2 硒肥,淮山硒含量均显著提高,为对照组的9.2 倍和10.4 倍(p<0.05),但两者之间没有显著差异;成熟后桂淮7 号平均硒含量高于紫玉淮山。玉林试验地在块茎初期喷施叶面硒肥,可显著提高淮山硒含量,为对照组的3.7 倍(p<0.05);喷施25 kg/hm2 硒肥可将淮山硒含量显著提高为 对照组的4.2 倍(p<0.05);成熟后紫玉淮山平均硒含量高于桂淮7 号。因此,南宁地区适宜种植桂淮7 号,并在块茎膨大期喷施10 kg/hm2 硒肥效果最佳;玉林地区适宜种植紫玉淮山,并在块茎初期喷施25 kg/hm2 的硒肥效果最佳。本研究结果对广西南宁、玉林地区的淮山种植和叶面喷施硒肥具有指导意义。
  • To explore the effect of selenium fertilizer on the selenium content of Chinese yam in Guangxi region, field experiment was applied in this study. The study areas were Lijian Town in Nanning and RenHou Town in Yulin. GuiHuai 7 and Ziyu Chinese yam were taken as experiment materials, both grew in two study areas. Then the selenium fertilizer was sprayed at the tuber early stage, tuber enlargement stage and tubers maturation stage, and the amount respectively was 0 kg/hm2, 10 kg/hm2 and 25 kg/hm2. In Nanning study area, spraying selenium fertilizer on the leaves at the tuber early stage and tuber enlargement stage could significantly increase the selenium content of Chinese yam, which was 6.5 times and 9.8 times of the control group (p<0.05), and the tuber enlargement stage was significantly higher than the early (p<0.05); The selenium content of Chinese yam was significantly increased by spraying 10 kg/hm2 and 25 kg/hm2 selenium fertilizer, which was 9.2 times and 10.4 times of the control group (p<0.05), but there was no significant difference between the two. The average selenium content in Guihuai 7 was higher than that in Ziyu. In Yulin study area, spraying selenium fertilizer on the leaves at the tuber early stage significantly increased selenium content of Chinese yam, which was 3.7 times that of control group (p<0.05); Application of 25 kg/hm2 selenium fertilizer significantly increased selenium content of Chinese yam to 4.2 times of the control group (p<0.05); The average selenium content in Ziyu was higher than that in Guihuai 7. It is suitable to plant Guihuai 7 in Nanning area, and spraying 10 kg/hm2 selenium fertilizer at tuber enlargement stage has the best effect. And it is suitable to plant Ziyu in Yulin area, and spraying 25 kg/ hm2 selenium fertilizer at tuber early stage has the best effect. The results of this study have guiding effects on the planting and foliar spraying of Chinese yam in Nanning and Yulin, Guangxi.
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.35534/aas.0204016
  • 引用: 林锦钰,陈清清,曹升,等.叶面喷施硒肥对淮山硒积累的影响[J].农业科学进展,2020,2(4):121-133.
